Definition of Siberian elm

1. Noun. Fast-growing shrubby Asian tree naturalized in United States for shelter or ornament.

Exact synonyms: Chinese Elm, Dwarf Elm, Ulmus Pumila
Group relationships: Genus Ulmus, Ulmus
Generic synonyms: Elm, Elm Tree

Definition of Siberian elm

1. Noun. A medium-sized bushy tree, ''Ulmus pumila'', native to northern and eastern Asia. ¹

¹ Source:

Lexicographical Neighbors of Siberian Elm

Siau Island
Siberian Huskies
Siberian Husky
Siberian crab
Siberian crab apple
Siberian crane
Siberian cranes
Siberian elm
Siberian elms
Siberian flying squirrel
Siberian flying squirrels
Siberian husky
Siberian jay
Siberian jays
Siberian larch
Siberian millet
Siberian pea tree
Siberian spruce
Siberian tiger
Siberian tigers
Siberian wall flower
Siberian weasel

Literary usage of Siberian elm

Below you will find example usage of this term as found in modern and/or classical literature:

1. Storms Over the Urban Forest: Planning, Responding, and Regreening by Lisa L. Burban, John W. Anderson (1996)
"For example, heavily-damaged Siberian elm and common hackberry exhibit a high ... The majority of damaged Siberian elm, common hackberry, and honeylocust ..."

2. Trees and Shrubs of Central Park by Louis Harman Peet (1903)
"51. Sour Gum, Tupelo, or Pepperidge. 52. Silver or White Maple. 53. Scarlet Oak. 54. Small-leaved Elm, Siberian elm. 55. American Linden, Bee or Basswood. ..."

3. The Vascular Flora of Pennsylvania: Annotated Checklist and Atlas by Ann Fowler Rhoads, William M. Klein (1993)
"Ulmus pumila L. Siberian elm Deciduous tree Naturalized from planted sources. Ulmus rubra Muhl. Red elm; Slippery elm Deciduous tree Moist woods, ..."

4. The Vascular Flora of Pennsylvania: Annotated Checklist and Atlas by Ann Fowler Rhoads, William M. Klein (1993)
"Dutch elm disease has reduced numbers of this species severely. Ulmus puntila L. Siberian elm Deciduous tree Naturalized from planted sources. ..."

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